
仰光第二天 - 平和大金塔

我們這些運動員(well....) 不用睡太久已經精力充沛, 好奇心爆棚, 可隨時出發遊覽
食完上車, 展開鴨仔團


(你的腳還洞起, 不怕被chok出車外?)

第一站: Union National Races Village

坐了(瞓了)兩個鐘頭車程, 來到展示緬甸文化的特大公園


緬甸人將帶掛在額頭, 背負重重的貨物

緬甸人捕魚的方法, 一手撐船, 另一手一腳撐起捕魚網, 然後笠住啲魚
此捕魚方法仍然存在, 如果我要去學, 唔知要跌落海幾多次

第二站: Floating temple

上接駁船前已經要除定鞋, 交比管鞋人員
此時有大批小朋友湧現, 要幫你除鞋, 袋鞋, 仲不停扯你衣袖要你比錢
千祈千祈唔好比任何反應, 一個眼神也不可以, 否則幾十個小朋友會圍住你...

十分佩服他們把廟宇設備保持得一塵不染, 很金很新淨

密密麻麻的魚, 很樣衰的魚
是不停的餵飼令這些魚生得頭特大, 牙特尖嗎?

第二站: 兌錢

今次旅程, 只預備了機票, 帶著三百蚊美金, 盲忠忠出發
所以這個他們形容為最高兌換率的地方, 實際地址我也不知道
我只在門外看著小販弄地道甜品, 然後返回車上

第三站: Grand Mee Ya Hta Executive Residences

到大會指定地方取仰光馬拉松race kit
內有即沖咖啡, 奶粉, 毛巾, 號碼布, 能量飲品等等
我只想攞贈品, 唔要跑(哭)

第四站: 仰光行程重點 - 大金塔

全緬甸最大的廟, 分東, 南, 西, 北面


大金塔塔頂上有極珍貴的寶石, 鑽石, 飾物



男士一聲令下, 工作人員向同一方面掃呀掃


在內走走逛逛, 看著人們出出入入, 或口中唸唸有詞

當地朋友建議不要中午至下午去, 因為天氣極熱
最好接近日落時去, 可看到建築物閃閃生輝

向地下走, 兩旁佈滿售賣普通貨色的紀念品

我看到信仰支撐整個民族, 他們易滿足的性情盡顯在面上

輕輕晚膳, 很早回酒店


麥嘜麥兜 生日蛋糕

喳! 麥嘜麥兜疊羅漢!





前年替Joyce 初生女兒每個月做一個蛋糕慶祝
承接傳統, mb 破例應承為她出山一次

辛苦阿b 了, 她搓糖皮至凌晨四點半


嘩! 沒有眼睛的麥氏豬 ><

b 負責造型
m 有幸為他們點睛
壓力很大的, 畫衰了就要重新搓過


幸好一take 過~



b 的手工真的很細緻


仰光第一天 - 跑馬拉松?

溫磨, 吐磨
唔好意思, 要拉拉筋先

不是說笑, 去緬甸的目的, 是參加仰光馬拉松YOMA十公里
連自己都無法說服, 一個不跑步的人怎跑得動

出發前真的想過練跑, 因為怕在外地猝死
b 說: 辛苦練咁多次, 不如到時辛苦一次算啦
'oh! 唔記得帶波鞋'
'病了' '瞓過龍'

懷著期待又難堪的心情, 跟同行十位跑伴出發
只需三小時飛抵仰光, 到達已是深夜

整個五天旅程, 將入住離馬拉松會場三公里的Comfort Inn

乾淨企理, 最大好處是任何角落都收到wifi
壞處是一晚停電三次(幸好check in那刻突然停電, 之後兩次就不驚奇啦)
相信不是酒店問題, 是仰光問題
因為飛機降落那一刻, 望到整個陸地突然漆黑一片數秒
以為是仰光歡迎我們的儀式(!?) 回想應該是斷電


出發前看旅遊書, 形容仰光落後得連漫遊都沒有
但到處都有wifi 這一下, 我知道這地方在不斷進步

四天四夜, 就由這輛得意畫符車牌帶我們走到仰光每一處


1. 乘港龍航空 KA250 香港直飛仰光 HKG/RGN dep 2135/ arr 2340

2. Comfort Inn. US$55 一晚, 無限暢順wifi, 包早餐(中西緬甸早餐六選一)

3. 建議帶備美金到當地換緬甸貨幣(MMK), 留意美金必須新淨筆直, 破舊的一律不收. HK$0.9 = MMK 100


無糖煉乳 - 紅豆牛奶muffins

是我太愛這書, 太熱情地分給身邊朋友了嗎?

內裡有許多'可做的'食譜, 令人愛不釋手
雖然要求的材料, 不知從那裡買到
如糖漬栗子, 白玉粉, 柚子蓉, 無糖煉乳

一天David Lebovitz 在blog內提到「煉奶是花奶加糖」
叮一聲! 那'無糖煉乳' 即應該是花奶

隨即把兩大匙綠茶粉, 加四大匙奶攪匀, 然後篩入兩杯icing sugar
用電動手打器輕易打出滑滑icing, 與紅豆味是絕配呀



無鹽牛油(室溫) 130g
砂糖 70g
顆粒紅豆餡(室溫) 200g
蛋 2隻
低筋麵粉 150g
泡打粉 2.5 小匙
無糖煉乳(室溫) 170ml


1. 烤熱焗爐至 170度
2. 牛油加砂糖打至顏色泛白
3. 加入紅豆餡攪拌均勻, 分次少量地倒入打散的蛋液混合
4. 篩入麵粉與泡打粉
5. 加入無糖煉乳將整體攪拌均勻
6. 將麵糊倒入紙模至八分滿, 焗20-25分鐘


拿蛋糕去拜年 - Salted caramel and vanilla baked cheesecake


到好朋友家拜年, 他們都說不用帶禮盒

Donna Hay 封面 - 厚厚忌廉, 流質焦糖, 淡啡色芝士蛋糕
不需再說什麼, 你註定要在我生活中重覆出現

'我怎麼這樣遲, 才知你是焦糖怪?'

Salted Caramel and Vanilla Baked Cheesecake

Modified from Donna Hay Issue 58 (

餅底我們沒有加入杏仁粉, 改用了60g 溶牛油 + 140g 餅碎, 只舖底, 沒有圍邊, 因為怕太膩
食譜建議用sour cream 打忌廉,目的要中和焦糖甜味, 不過我們覺得味道怪怪, 下次只需淨打忌廉都應該很美味

500g plan sweet biscuits
1/2 cup (60g) almond meal
150g butter, melted
350g ricotta cheese
500g cream cheese
1 cup (175g) brown sugar
4 eggs
2 tablespoons golden syrup
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup (250ml) single cream
1 cup (240g) sour cream
1 tablespoon icing sugar, sifted
sea salt flakes, for sprinkling

caramel sauce
1 cup (250ml) single cream
60g butter, chopped
1 cup (175g) brown sugar

1. To make the caramel sauce, place the cream, butter and sugar in a saucepan over low heat and stir until the sugar is dissolved. Increase heat to high, bring to the boil and cook for 5-7 mintues or until thickened. Set aside and allow to cool

2. Preheat oven to 160C. Place the biscuits and almond meal in the bowl of a food processor and process until coarsely chopped. add the butter and process to combine. press the biscuit mixture into the base and sides of a lightly greased 22cm springform cake tin lined with non-stick baking paper. Refrigerate

3. Place the ricotta and cream cheese in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat for 5-6 minutes or until smooth. Add the sugar and beat for 3-4 minutes or until combined. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition

4. Add golden syrup, salt and 1 teaspoon of vanilla and beat until well combined

5. Spoon the mixture into the biscuit shell. Place the tin in a baking dish and pour in enough boiling water to come halfway up the sides of the tin. Bake for 1 hour 30 minutes or until firm to the touch. Remove cheesecake from the baking dish and allow to cool in the tin. Refrigerate until set

6. Place the cream, sour cream, icing sugar and reamining vanilla in a bowl and whisk until soft peaks form. Top the cheesecake with the cream, drizzle with the caramel sauce and sprinkle with sea salt flakes to serve


朱古力花生醬這東西 - Buckeyes

給同事嫌棄不夠LA 買來那包好味
....... (-.-')
自己的味蕾都舉腳贊同, 只是心中不服(你班衰嘢!)
美國的Reeses 花生醬部份鬆化, 咸香味道令人上癮, 一粒駁一粒
可惜杜拜 vs LA 對戰之時, LA 只剩下最後一粒

從那天起, 瘋狂的想要吃Reeses

2月3日的Island East Markets(IEM), 本打算做Reeses Peanut Butter brownie
滿心歡喜輕輕咬一小口, 錫紙鐵綉味竟蓋過花生醬味!
怕IEM客人誤會Reeses 是如此難食所以放棄了


自製Buckeyes 可說是暫時滿足了慾望
Buckeyes 是美國Ohio 的傳統小食, 居民以發明此甜點引以為傲
做法簡單, 不需焗爐
因為我身邊有隻b 一見這組合就怕怕

食譜改自 Baked Explorations: Classic American Desserts Reinvented

(Yield: 36-42 Buckeyes)


1/4 cup cream cheese, softened
1 1/2 cups peanut butter
1 cup graham cracker crumbs (我們用二德惠買來的餅底碎)
3 cups icing sugar
140g unsalted butter, melted and cooled
340g good quality dark chocolate (60 - 72%)


1. Beat cream cheese and peanut butter until combined
2. Add graham cracker crumbs and beat on medium speed for 10 seconds
3. Add icing sugar and butter, beat until completely combined, put aside
4. Melt the chocolate on a double boiler, stir until smooth
5. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper, scoop out 1 tablespoon worth of filling and use your hands to form it into a ball, repeat the process until all the filling has been shaped
6. One by one, using a fork, dip each ball into the chocolate. Roll the ball around from side to side to cover almost the entire peanut butter center, leaving a small part uncovered
7. Refrigerate for 30 minutes
8. Buckeyes will keep for up to 3 days, tightly covered, in the refrigerator


兩小時的等候 - Chocolate Meringues


年廿九, 趁執拾材料箱的同時, 順道焗b 喜歡的meringue
焗製時間至少兩小時, 所以平時寧可揀些省時的去焗
今天在家優優閒閒, 最適合靜心欣賞由令面焗至脆面的過程

只要有少許潮濕, 焗起的蛋白餅會立即受潮, 出水, 黐立立

另外一份batter 可唧出很多很多蛋白餅
四層雖然同時焗, 最底一層因為太接近發熱線所以塌了下來 :(
建議還是將份量減半, 放蛋白餅在中間位置焗

加入Nutella 最初目的是要增加相片的效果
後來發現夾Nutella 餡反而中和蛋白餅的甜味
脆脆口感, 濃濃榛子味

蛇年其中一個目標: 減少浪費

Recipe modified from Not So Humble Pie:


Chocolate Meringues


4 large egg whites
1 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup unsweetened dutch processed cocoa (we used Valrhona)


1. Preheat your oven to 80°C.

2. Prepare a pastry bag with a large star tip. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment or silicone baking mats.

3. Combine the egg whites, sugar and cream of tarter  in a large heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water. Whisk constantly over the water until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture is warm to the touch (roughly 3-4 minutes). Then remove from heat and beat the whites with a mixer, starting on low speed and gradually increasing until stiff, glossy peaks form. Add the vanilla and mix to combine.

4. Sift the cocoa over the meringue and then fold until no streaks remain. Add the mixture to your pastry bag and pipe rows of quarter sized meringues onto the pans.

5. Bake for 2 hours, until they lift from the pan easily. Allow to cool completely.

6. Sandwich your meringues with your favourite fillings. We used Nutella.


Island East Markets - Gooey cinnamon cake

gooey, 黐立立

有些喜歡邊位, 質地較脆較cakey
另外一些指定要中間, 享受一咬下去黏牙的感覺

我們切件時都感受到golden syrup 與奶混合的張力

Island East 的客人卻非常受落

多得David Lebovitz 分享Smitten Kitchen 新書的食譜 (David 是其中一位寫序)

Gooey cinnamon cake

食譜來源: http://www.davidlebovitz.com/2012/11/smitten-kitchen-gooey-cinnamon-cake-recipe/

Cookie Base

1 1/2 cups (190g) flour
2 teaspoons baking powder (aluminum-free)
1/4 teaspoon salt
8 tablespoons (115g) unsalted butter, at room temperature
3/4 cup (150g) sugar
1 large egg, at room temperature
1/4 cup (60ml) whole milk

Soft Gooey Layer

1/4 cup (60ml) light corn syrup or golden syrup
1/4 cup (60ml) whole milk or heavy cream
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
12 tablespoons (170g) unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup plus 2 tablespoons (225g) sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 large egg, at room temperature
1 1/4 (155g) cups flour

Cinnamon Topping

2 tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

1. Line a 9- by 13-inch cake pan with foil, leaving an overhang on all four sides. (I overturn the pan, shape the foil over the bottom, remove it, then flip the pan over and ease the foil into the pan.) Spray the foil in the pan with nonstick spray or brush with melted butter.

Preheat the oven to 350ºF (180ºC).

2. To make the cookie base, whisk together the 1 1/2 cups (190g) flour, baking powder, and 1/4 teaspoon salt in a small bowl. Beat the 8 tablespoons (115g) of butter and the 3/4 cup (150g) of sugar in the bowl of stand mixer with the paddle attachment, or by hand, until light and fluffy, 3 to 5 minutes.

3. Add the egg and the milk and mix in, stopping the mixer to scrape down the sides of the bowl. Stir in the dry ingredients, until fully incorporated. Put the mixture in the cake pan in dollops (it’s too thick to spread if you add it all in the same place), and spread it into an even layer with an offset spatula.

(You don’t need to clean the bowl; you can reuse it for the next step.)

4. To make the soft gooey layer, in a small bowl, whisk together the corn syrup or golden syrup with the milk or cream, and vanilla.

5. Beat the 12 tablespoons (170g) of butter with the 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons (225g) of sugar, and salt until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg, scraping down the sides of the bowl.

5. Add one-third of the 1 1/4 cup (155g) flour, then half of the milk/corn syrup mixture. Add another one-third of the flour, then the rest of the milk/corn syrup mixture. Then stir in the remaining flour. Dollop the batter over the unbaked cookie layer and spread evenly.

6. Mix together the 2 tablespoons of sugar and cinnamon, then sprinkle it evenly over the cake.

7. Bake the cake for 25 minutes, or until the cake feels slightly damp, but gently set in the center. Remove from oven and let cool on a wire rack. When cool, lift out the cake using the overhang of the foil, and cut the cake into 1-inch (3cm) squares.


Island East Markets - Lemon and Poppy seed loaf

自製農曆新年logo, 揮春, 把2月3日當天的小檔佈置得紅噹噹
今次的甜品款式特別多, 把枱面塞得滿滿
客人'每一樣都想食 ' 的對話逗得我們極度歡喜

左面有好朋友卓卓及阿朱的酒檔, 售賣高級日本清酒, 紅白酒及巴馬火腿
兩檔打通了, 通道寛敞很多, 並可互相幫助

右邊檔有The House of Fine Wines
美麗友善的人售賣紅白酒, 美味鵝肝醬及黑松露醬等
他們在blog 有對我們食物的讚賞, 感謝


另外多謝其他檔主來幫襯支持, 如當天第一個顧客 Patinova 的 Ben,  還有 Emily's Kitchen,  多謝你們

今次其中一款新產品是Lemon and poppy seed loaf and muffins
我想做poppy seed 罌粟子的甜品很久了
碰巧在V photobooth 送給我的'Cake Days: the hummingbird bakery'一書內找到食譜

完美, 動工!

這蛋糕當天迅速售罄, 是出乎意料之外
因為怕客人不常見poppy seed而不接受
都說過Island East Markets的顧客是與別不同

蛋糕加入了Ricotta cheese, 質地因而非常濕潤
一出爐的時候我們立即在蛋糕面拮窿, 讓檸檬糖水滲入
總括就是很香檸檬味, 食完不會膩, 一件永遠不夠

2月24日我們會再次在Island East Markets 擺檔, 到時見

Recipe adapted from "Cake Days, the hummingbird bakery"


For the sponge:

190g unsalted butter, softened
190g plain flour
190g caster sugar
3 large eggs
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons poppy seeds
2 teaspoons lemon zest
25ml whole milk
80g ricotta cheese

For the soaking syrup:
Juice of 1 lemon
50g caster sugar

One 8.5 X 17.5cm (3 1/2 X 7 inch) loaf tin


For the sponge:

1. Preheat oven to 170C, grease the loaf tin with butter and dust with flour
2. Cream together the butter and caster sugar. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition
3. In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder and salt, then mix in the poppy seeds and lemon zest
4. Add the dry ingredients to the creamed butter and sugar in three stages and on a low speed, mixing well between each addition and adding the milk after the second batch of dry ingredients. Mix until the batter is smooth and even.
5. Mix in the ricotta cheese
6. Pour the batter into the prepared loaf tin and bake for 50 - 60 minutes or until a skewer inserted comes out clean

For the soaking syrup:

1. While the cake is baking, put the lemon juice and sugar in a small saucepan with 100ml of water and bring to the boil, allowing the syrup to reduce by about half
2. When the cake is cooked, pur the syrup over it while it is still hot, allowing it to soak into the sponge, Leave the loaf to cool a little before turning it out of the tin on to a wire rack to cook down fully before serving.